Call Out for Submissions for the Candid Cancer Collective Zine!

The gorgeous wonderful crew that I’ve been fortunate to work with alongside Drawn Poorly have now officially put out their call for submissions!

Deadline for entries is Sunday 20th June.

Check out their poster below for some quite jokes (but also sometimes serious) prompts. You don’t have to consider yourself an ‘artist’ or a ‘writer’ to submit – the best thing about zines is that they are organic and everyone is welcome.

Don’t hesitate to email with any questions & click here to download a PDF of the call out poster, designed by the wonderful Bronte Palmer!

Text from this poster is copied below.

Text from the poster is pasted below:

Call Out:

CCC is creating a zine with help and funding from Sex with Cancer and Contact and we want you to be involved! If you have lived experience with cancer, are a former cancer patient or current cancer patient please read on.

Submission Prompts:

Where’s your sense of tumour?: Do you have a funny story from your cancer story that you want to share? We want to hear it! This can be told in any way you want and it can be shared anonymously if you prefer!

Say you’ve had cancer without saying you’ve had cancer: This could be a piece of art, writing, a photo or absolutely anything you want! Let your mind get creative!

How to submit:

We’re accepting contributions in a range of formats. If you have a story you’d like to share, this can be in an email, word document or PDF format or – send it us as a voice note! For images please send in a PNG or JPEG format. Please send all submissions (and questions) to:

If there’s an alternative way you’d like to share your submission with us, please get in touch!

Everyone featured in the zine will receive a copy. We can’t wait to see your submissions.

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